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Water Bowline Water Bowline Finished
The Water Bowline is a very secure loop that won't jam and may have been developed for use in an underwater environment that makes security properties for most knots change dramatically.  It also remains stable under various loading profiles and is fairly easy to check.  Draw the two half-hitches snug together before using.*

If you're going to use it, please don't tie it the landlubber's way!  Learn to form the signature bowline coils (half-hitches) by twisting the end of the line over, under and upward around the standing part, in one quick motion to force the half hitch to form in the standing part.  Practice this with a
simple bowline before moving on to the Water Bowline.  Not only is this a quicker method, it also greatly reduces the odds of you tying the knot incorrectly.
Don't be alarmed if the two half hitches seem to part a little during loading.